Software Engineer and Internet Entrepreneur.

I’m Kaka, a software engineer and entrepreneur based in London. I’m also the creator of Autohaven, a car social network, and Headportfolio, a SaaS platform for building personal and professional online portfolios, one of which you are viewing this very moment!

My main tool of trade is Ruby on Rails, and my only code editor in Neovim. Yes, I am a full time vimmer!

Outside work, I play football as a centre forward, and occasionally hike and travel the world.

Why am I building this portfolio? I want it to be my personal online journal. And I am happy to have you as my guest!

Run Rake Tasks on the Rails Console

I usually run my rake tasks in production in this sequence ```       require 'rake'       Rails.application.load_tasks       Rake::Task[task_name] ``` Often repeating the same three commands over and over again. Tedious. Then I researched how I...

Time To Let Go

I bought my first car almost exactly 2 years ago, after an aggravating incident with the public transport. And after many a cherished moments behind it's awesome wheel, I have decided to pass it on to the next lucky owner But before I do, here g...

My sister graduates from a 1 year coding bootcamp at 19!

My sister just graduated from a 1 year coding bootcamp, at the young age of 19! [chela's grad banner] I literally couldn't be more happy for her. But let me give you a little of a backstory. The Covid Lockdown and CS50 So back in 2020, at th...

Autohaven Car Stories

People love stories One of the reasons I created Autohaven is to have people share their real and personal experiences owning cars, and for people who are interested in them to be able to find these, read, engage and benefit from them. You can a...

A new chapter, from the previous chapter

Every chapter has a beginning. The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. Today I start a new journey(or really, it started a few weeks ago, today I am just making a public commitment). This month of April 2024 marks my last month of e...

Contributing to Open Source

Open source runs the internet, it's the web's bloodstream that we've all fed from. And right on this first paragraph I'd like to express my gratitude to all individuals and businesses that have dedicated their time and resources to advancing the w...

You Gotta Love Red

"Gosh, it failed again! 😭" We've all been there, haven't we. Early on in my career, I dreaded those gnarly errors so much. They made me panic, it felt like the whole thing was crumbling down and I was running out of time. It felt like a ticking ...

I have learnt how to code, what do I do next?

I have received this message from many aspiring software engineers who are just getting started, often on Twitter. They have been burying their heads down, trying to piece together this big piece of a puzzle called programming. From one tutorial t...

Uploading Files to CloudFlare R2 Using Rails ActiveStorage

R2 is a new object storage system by Cloudflare. It is comparable and compatible with Amazon S3, except much simpler and cheaper, and with a very generous free plan. You can read more about it here Let us see how to set it up with Rails so we can...

PaaS Is Not Always The Best Solution

Platform as a Service businesses like Heroku, Render and Fly are good when you want to deploy something quickly, but can quickly become limiting the moment you want to do just a little more extra. I deploy my apps on Render, and, case in point,  ...

Rate Limit Exceeded?

Elon just announced(July 1 2023) that due to extreme levels of data scraping and system manipulation, they are applying rate limiting on Twitter - and not to bots, but to their people users! If that is crazy, their numbers are even crazier: verifi...

Replace All Occurrences of a Word in Vim and Neovim

We've all faced this problem! It's probably one of the most how-to do y in vim things I have Googled, so here's how I made it simple. To start with, this is about replacing all occurrences of a word in a single buffer, not in multiple buffers or ...

What I Will Be Writing About

I had missed writing, and I am stoked to be back at it again - because writing makes me think better! And this time, using a tool of my delight. Over the course of the existence of my writing pleasure, I will be writing about a few things that ex...

Another Blogging App Kaka?

I know, I know, we're not supposed to re-invent wheels, we've all sang and been sang to this old folklore before. But I did it anyway, so why? To give you a quick answer, the current blogging ecosystem simply didn't make me enjoy writing and the ...